Preguntas frecuentes


  • Digital edition

    The Cervantino is with you in the distance and will be virtual. This year it will explore formats and platforms to create new experiences in the extraordinary time we are living because of the COVID-19; the main objective will be to deepen the enjoyment of the diverse artistic disciplines that will detonate the dialogue and the reflection of the spectator by means of the digital experimentation. Our 48th edition will cross all borders to keep us connected with the only intention of meeting again in our favorite place: Guanajuato.

  • Necesito más información de esta edición

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  • FIC dates

    The 48th edition of the International Cervantino Festival will take place from October 14th to 18th.

  • About transmissions of the Festival

    El Cervantino will be transmitted from different spaces: from theaters in Guanajuato behind closed doors, to houses or rooftops of our artistic talent.

  • Event transmission

    You can follow the live broadcast of all the events of the 48th International Cervantino Festival on our social networks and website, as well as on some national television and radio stations. For more information, we invite you to stay tuned to our official accounts.

  • Event transmission

    Due to copyright issues, not all events can be broadcast. However, we invite you to stay tuned to our website and social networks to learn about the broadcasts you will be able to watch again.

  • Social networks and website

    Follow us through @Cervantino on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Spotify and TikTok, and at

  • Event duration

    Each activity has a duration time. To find out this information, check the activity profile on our website.

  • Access to events / There will be FIC activities in Guanajuato

    The events held from the Teatro Juarez and the Auditorio del Estado, in Guanajuato, will be held behind closed doors. No member of the public will have access to these venues under any circumstances. All the artistic and staff personnel working on the performance of the show will be provided with the prevention measures indicated by the health authorities.

  • Selection process of activities for the FIC

    We are looking for companies that offer, both to the festival and to the public, a great diversity, cultural richness and innovative artistic proposals.

  • Proposal submission

    The reception of projects for the 2020 edition has closed, however you can send your artistic proposal for the 2021 and 2022 edition through our application system

  • Unlimited-access for transmissions

    Transmissions will not have limited space. All users will be able to enjoy the content that will be broadcast on the Internet (website and social networks), television channels and national radio stations.

  • Age for broadcasts

    A detailed curatorship of the program was carried out with the intention that all the public can enjoy the activities. In case of having some content directed to certain spectators, it will be pointed out in the communication of the event.

  • Cost for transmissions

    All events will be free, both when broadcast live and when broadcast.

  • Workshops

    The workshops will have free access and only prior registration will be required. If there are any with a limit, it will be announced in the event communication

  • Reflection tables / artistic meetings

    The tables of reflection and artistic meetings will be available for all the public, with the exception of the Pitch Cervantino that is focused on programmers and cultural managers who will be able to participate for free and making a previous registration.

  • Schedule

    The program can be consulted on the website's calendar or through the search engine by adding the keyword of the event you want to consult.

  • Guanajuato installation

    Our recommendation is to stay home and avoid going out as little as possible. None of the traditional Cervantino venues will hold events open to the public. If you want to visit them, we recommend you to go to the Guanajuato Tourism Department and they will give you advice about the opening of the theaters, the schedule and the health measures.

  • Cervantino on streets

    The FIC will be back on the streets in future editions. The #48FIC will be lived from home.

  • Activities at León

    For the 48th edition, no event was scheduled in the city of Leon, Guanajuato, or in any other region of the state.

  • FIC International

    We remain faithful to our tradition, which is why the 48th edition will include the presence of some international artists.

  • Guests of honor

    We want you to enjoy the culture of Cuba and Coahuila in all its splendor, so we decided to take them to the next edition. Get ready, that in 2021 will bring a lot of rhythm and flavor!

  • Allied media

    The #48FIC signal will be seen on many screens, such as our website, social networks, Guanajuato's Tv4 and the Mexican State's Public Broadcasting System. Stay tuned to our official channels for more details on the broadcast.

  • Exhibitions / visual arts

    There will be installations in spaces such as the staircases of the University of Guanajuato and Teatro Juárez.