What you should know

Duration: 60 min
Country: Francia
Type of audience: General

Claire Gibault is the conductor of the Paris Mozart Orchestra and, although she is a reference point in Europe for classical music, she is also a defender of contemporary music. As a tribute to Ludwig van Beethoven for the 250th anniversary of his birth, she commissioned a work from Fabio Vacchi. The Italian composer gave him a melodic piece entitled Beethoven the African, this type of stage piece that is characterized by the combination of spoken drama and orchestral commentary arose from Vacchi's interest in African music and the inspiration that led him to read the novel Beethoven was a black sixteenth by Nadine Gordimer. Viacchi's composition, which questions how our multicultural roots both unite and separate us, was made to be narrated by the Comédie-Française's resident actor, Birane Ba, who will accompany Gibault in this Cervantine Dialogue to discuss the creative process of this concert and the commitment of art and creators to the community's social and educational causes.

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